Career Profile

I’m a hybrid backend/devops engineer with most of my professional experience within startups! Initially, school was difficult, and I briefly dropped out of college. Despite struggling, I persevered and proudly graduated with a degree in Computer Science from California State University, Fullerton.

During college, I studied in C/C++ and have always been interested in embedded systems and low level languages. Thus, I transitioned to Rust and fell in love with its safety and unique memory management. I’ve worked with dockerized microservices, and utilized bash and python scripts to automate their CI/CD workflows. Additionally, these microservices have been deployed with technologies such as Helm and Kubernetes onto Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform.

I enjoy exploring new technologies and find new skills refreshing and invigorating. My biggest passion has and always will be learning and sharing my knowledge.


Backend/DevOps Engineer

May 2022 - Present
Crown Sterling
  • Connect REST, HTTP APIs, adapters, and a database for a messaging app
    • Cassandra/MongoDB/Elasticsearch
    • Rust
  • Create a backend broker service to handle PubSub messages
    • Firebase Cloud Messaging
    • MemoryStore/Redis
  • Utilize protocol buffers for inter micro service communication
    • Protocol Buffers and gRPC
    • Docker
  • Deploy and push containers/images onto GCP and AWS
    • Kubernetes
    • Helm
  • Index, store and query blockchain transaction history
    • PostgreSQL
    • GraphQL
  • Automate a CI/CD pipeline
    • CircleCI/GitHub Actions
    • Bash
  • Automate claiming vested tokens
    • Linux Crontab
    • Python

Software Engineer Intern

November 2021 - January 2022
  • Automated an upload/download YouTube workflow with EC2, S3, and DynamoDB
    • Python
  • Trained and updated custom language models for transcription accuracy and jargon-specific speech
    • AWS


Homie, Dataset Visualizer

March 2024 - Present
Personal Project
  • Web application interactive tool to analyze housing markets from Zillow API, Federal H15, and Federal HPI
  • Deploy a full stack application composed of a RESTful API and a server-side rendered front end
    • Entirely in Rust!
      • Leptos, Tokio, Axum SQLx
  • Read from CSV files and public APIs and write to a database
    • Postgres
  • Design reusable, architectural patterns such as dependency injection, hexagonal, microservice, and repository

MicroBit Microcontroller

January 2024 - February 2024
Personal Project
  • Build, debug, and flash an embedded Microcontroller
    • C/Rust
    • GDB
  • Display icons with a blinking and a time sensitive LED matrix
    • MicroBit, ARM, Cortex-M
    • embedded-HAL

Wedding RSVP/Registry

April 2023 - May 2023
Personal Project
  • Created a complete backend service for a wedding RSVP/Registry application
  • Connected REST HTTP APIs, adapter middlewares, a database, and a reverse proxy
  • Tagged, built, and pushed images to DockerHub
  • Link: GitHub Repository
    • ScyllaDB
    • NGINX

TuffixCoin CryptoCurrency

March 2021 - April 2021
  • Deployed a decentralized voting application
  • Provided a method for the blockchain club to pass on board positions after graduating
  • Link: Hackathon Review
    • Custom ERC-20
    • React/Solidity



January 2021 - December 2021
Blockchain Technologies Club
  • Cofounded blockchain technologies club at California State University, Fullerton
  • Launched an undergraduate team to build a decentralized application for a Hackathon


January 2021 - December 2021
Association for Computing Machinery
  • Club focused on computer science students to study and practice projects and academia
  • Collaborated with peers as a mentor and mentee for mock interviews and study sessions

Summer Researcher

July 2021 - August 2021
ASSURE, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Researched and practiced implementing supervised machine learning algorithms
  • Predicted price of a home from linear regression (Jupyter Notebook, NumPy, Kaggle)